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I'd just quickly like to pass on my best Christmas / Holiday wishes to you all.

2025 is shaping up as another challenging year for the standalone clubs, and we are one step closer to knowing how the VFA/VFL will continue on in the following years as we close in on the 150th year celebrations in 2027.

UpTheDolphins's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 12 min ago
Joined: 04/07/2023 - 14:52

I'm reasonably hopeful that things will be better for the standalone clubs. Frankston have recruited and retained well, Williamstown and Werribee will have the cash to spend on good recruits, Port may finally get it right, and from what I've seen of Coburg's social media posts they seem to have scored a couple of established VFL players. Preston is the only club I really fear for in the short term. 

Going to be a couple of anniversaries coming up. VFA/VFL's 150th year as you mentioned, meanwhile 2026 will mark 60 years since Frankston joined the VFA.

UpTheDolphins's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 12 min ago
Joined: 04/07/2023 - 14:52

I know it's a little early to discuss it, but given the AFL won't put the work in I think it's worth it for the standalone clubs to consider ways of commemorating the VFA/VFL's 150 years of existence when the time comes. The competition and many of its clubs have endured a lot since its centennial year and especially from 2020-onward. I think it'd be great if the the clubs got together to mark the anniversary.