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Last seen: 2 days 13 hours ago
Joined: 01/08/2014 - 20:20
Michael O'Neil appointed Interim CEO of Frankston FC

Below is a message sent to Frankston members. Former player Mick O'Neil from Vice President to Interim  CEO. There is more to this than meets the eye. A lot of questions need answering here. 

It seems Buckenara was sacked for no reason without a replacement. This is an interim appt until October.. Why not appoint a permanent CEO now? Is Mick full time or part time? Did the club not have the funds to keep paying Bucky?

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Message from the Frankston FC
The club would like to notify all members, sponsors and club stakeholders of the appointment of Mick O’Neil as an interim CEO for the 2019 season.  Mick understands the club well having been a key member of our team throughout the journey to be readmitted into the VFL.  He has been heavily involved in establishing the football team and implementing a range of management and business improvements over the last few years.  Mick also has experience in senior management and leading teams having spent 20+ years in the finance and superannuation sector managing and leading financial service teams.
This appointment comes following a series of discussions with the Board in recent days where Mick has accepted the challenge to fill this interim position and guide us until the 31st October when a process will be established to recruit and appoint a permanent CEO.  In line with our constitution Mick has resigned from his current position on the club’s Board of Management to take up his new role.  Please join me in congratulating Mick and giving him the support of the club as we head into our first game this weekend.
This Sunday at 2pm our team takes on Essendon VFL in a home game at SkyBus Stadium, Frankston Park.  The Southern Saints VFLW team will be playing a curtain raiser practice match commencing at 10:30am to give us our first ‘double-header’ of the season.
So get down to the ground this Sunday to see our new look team take to the field.  Frankston City Council have re-sown the ground over the last month and the scene is ready for a great game between our new group of players including returning 2016 B&F winner Josh Newman and exciting recruits such as Nathan Freeman versus the might of the Essendon football club.
Hope to see everyone at the game.
Go Dolphins
Be part of it!

 Peter Geddes

Edited by: Bearsman on 05/04/2019 - 09:45