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Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
Joined: 04/02/2005 - 00:00
borough terrible
After winning 4 games in a row Port Melbourne had a shocker today. The game was probably best summed up by Saadi Ghazi's 3/4 speech which lasted about 30 seconds. Ghazi said for 3 quarters the team was embarrasing and guys were playing for there spots. A very hard game to watch as a Port supporter, Just alot of dumb decisions and it took 3 quarters for th players to realise which way the wind was blowing. As bad as the effort was, Port got the lead down to 13 points at the 12 minute mark of the last term. Until a basic skill error gave David Clarke a goal and Preston the game. Next week will need a big turn around playing Sandy who gas beaten us the last 5 times. Can anyone who was at Port today, tell me why Josh Gibson was taken off in the last term? He was probably our best player and you could see how pissed off he was when he booted all the water bottles on the bench.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15