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Last seen: 4 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
2021 Kayo Sports coverage

So far I have been impressed with the level coverage. Watching the Port Melbourne v Sandringham game I noticed a few minor issues.

  • The colour saturation varied greatly between the two cameras. With one camera very saturated while the other camera was a more natural saturation. It was a bit jarring going from a close-in to the wider cam
  • Stationhotel pointed out that we really need an effects mic to capture crowd noise and improve the atmosphere of the coverage.
  • The wider cam was smeared/blurry on the lower half. I sent a Tweet to Kayo and it appeared to improve in the second half
  • The commentary was very good. The utilisation of a special comments person (in this case Toby Pinwill) worked really well.
  • The camera positions were good as were the ground level cameras

Hopefully we see the package continue to improve during the season, but it's off to a really good start.