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cobrascorer's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 18/08/2004 - 00:00
ABC radio

How utterly hypocritical of OUR ABC radio to jump on the bandwagon to broadcast the VFL Grand Final. ABC Radio does not mention anything about the VFL all season yet has the audacity to be the "experts" come GF time. It quite obviously has a ban on giving any info to VFL supporters, highlighted by its refusal to even give results of VFL matches.
VFL supporters get SFA for their "8 cents a day".
ABC radio gives results and even broadcasts some SANFL and WAFL matches in those states, but has a total ban on VFL. AFL domination is not an excuse for refusing coverage of VFL matters, as it would take less than two minutes a week to broadcast VFL scores.The only benefit of ABC radio covering the GF is for regional listeners outside the range of the other stations.