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Bearsman's picture
Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 01/08/2014 - 20:20
AFL covers itself in s**t - yet again.

How about the AFL not conceding a mistake was made on Friday night when Rampe climbed the goalpost. That has been a free kick since cocky was an egg. Unbelievably the umpire closest went and asked him to climb down! And Big Dill has poked his head in today and called the non decision "practical umpiring" lol. What a moron...Practical in what way I wonder? Practical in that the umpire asked him to get down in case he fell off and hurt himself? Good grief...If they make a mistake just admit it. 

We are not umpire knockers on this site but something should be said about the three blind mice umpiring the Richmond  v Frankston game yesterday. Some staggering decisions were made, way past 'making a poor decisions", these were plain wrong. To highlight a couple...

Chol took a mark running backwards towards goal, with Miller right on his hammer and they both stopped after he completed the mark. He was about 3 metres forward of the mark and suddenly took off towards goal with the umpire calling play on and kicked a goal. He had to be taken back behind the mark - surely the umpire new that? Obviously not.

In the last quarter Newman was punched in the chest with enough force to send him reeling backwards with an umpire no more than three metres from them but ignored it. It was not during play - this was a premeditated strike after they both got up from a tackle.  Newy grabbed the player by the jumper to remonstrate and you guessed it, the free kick went to the Richmond player. Unbelievable.

The umpiring standard in the VFL has really declined in the last few years. Every game you go to it seems to get worse. None of the three umpires yesterday could bounce the ball, they hardly got one right all day between the three of them, but insisted on bouncing all day. Really bad look.

Something needs to be done. Its easy to blame the umpires on game day, but maybe they should be looking at the umpires coaches. Something is not working....