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NorthPort's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 55 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
Changes to VFL
Over the past year this site has gone through massive growth, with approximately 200 new users coming online and posting on the site. (Currently we are over the 500 mark for registered users) Apart from the large number of posting visitors, last Sunday we had reached as many as 179 guests online at one stage. Thats terrific for the site, to know that so many people are using it... However, it is slaughtering my Internet connection, to the point where it is affecting my ADSL2+ connection. As such, I am currently looking at other hosting options or possibly restricting the speed of the site so it doesn't interfere with my Internet gaming! Ideally I want to keep the site advertisement free, and not donation or subscription based, but I thought I should forewarn you that the public nature of the site may change. cheers, David.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16