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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
Exploiting the rules?
Interesting little article in this week's Inside Football about Coburg recording Jay Schulz on the teamsheet in a reserves game against Port Melbourne two weeks ago. The article made mention that Schulz wasn't even at the ground. The VFL have fined the Tigers for it, and for failing to explain their actions by the deadline given last week. They did something similar last Sunday though with Daniel Jackson, who limped along the boundary line to the bench wearing his guernsey and tracksuit pants. He remained there for the whole 2s game. As far as I'm aware he played school footy on Saturday. So the 2s run out with 21 players and Jackson fills spot 22 on the teamsheet. But at least he was at the ground. It's not anything new trying to qualify players - Box Hill did it last year in Round 20 with David Loats. But, I have three problems with it: (1) It's really pushing the rules to the limit. If these blokes are not in a fit state to play then they should not be named. (2) It bumps out a Richmond player who legitimately qualifies. If they can get Schulz or Jackson over the seven required games, then it will be Raines or Foley or one of the other Richmond kids who have played most of the games who miss out. Coburg can only use 12 AFL listed players. (3) It shows a total disrespect for the reserves team, both by making them operate with a 3 player bench and depriving a VFL listed player from getting a game in that 2s side. I wasn't happy last year when Box Hill did it and I still don't approve. It's hardly in good spirit. Thoughts?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:14