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Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 14/02/2005 - 00:00
Height calls it a day
Hey all . . . haven't been in for a while . . . pretty big summer in the VFL!!! Sadly, Kristian Height has stepped away from VFL footy, a real loss to Box Hill as his leadership on the field was first rate. He was holding it together last year . . . his played great contested footy, got nice and angry, and was a real general on the field. He really will be missed. We've recruited well, but losing Height and Nick Smith, both VFL representatives last year, really does even it all out. Anyway, this is from the Box Hill website. [quote]HEIGHT CALLS IT A DAY Tuesday, 4 March 2008 Box Hill Hawks Football Club wishes to advise that Club Captain Kristan Height has decided to retire from VFL Football. Height, who has played 76 consecutive senior matches since joining in 2004, said the lack of desire and commitment to continue playing at the highest level was a contributing factor behind his decision. “I felt that it was the right decision to move on as I don’t have the motivation to give it my all both on and off the track… without that motivation it would be unfair to the club, my team mates and myself to continue,” said an emotional Height. “It was a decision that took me almost 5 months to decide on… I virtually quit last year but after hearing we had signed Barry Mitchell as head coach and picked up a few recruits, I thought I could find some fire in the belly to continue,” “After several weeks of training after Christmas, I realised that I had lost all desire to continue, even though training and the club environment had vastly improved from years before”. Height however was very optimistic about the clubs’ future this season and beyond “I think its going to be an exciting year for the Hawks. Barry Mitchell as coach was a great get for Box Hill and with several senior recruits also joining the club, and some other players at having ripping pre seasons, I expect Box Hill to at least make the finals if not win it,” he continued. “I would like to thank all the supporters and staff of Box Hill Hawks that have been great to me during my time at the club. I have made some life long friends during my time and seen some players really improve their footy, and in some cases even get drafted,” “I wish the club and players well for the rest of this year and again thank everyone who has helped me during my time at Box Hill Hawks”. Some of Height’s many highlights at VFL level included the 2004 Finals Series, finishing Runner-Up in 2004 & 2005 for Box Hill's Col Austen Trophy, as well as his fulfilling his childhood dream of representing Victoria (2005 and 2007). We thank Kristan for his loyalty over the past four years (two as Captain) and wish him all the best in his future endeavors. [/quote]
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16