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Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Joined: 13/03/2004 - 00:00
If there were DVDs and videos in the 50s/60s and early 70s what would you like to see again

If there was anything you would love to see on DVD from the 50s/60s and 70s if videos and dvds were around in those days what would it be ?
Obviously it is a hypothetical question but interest to know your thoughts.
There would be some old reels, home videos and old games on earlier formats like Umatics but are rare as hens teeth.

Pick your top five ?

Any incidents, games, best marks, goals, whacks, bumps, incidents

(1) The 1962 VFA GF would be one. Sandringham v Moorabbin in one of the best comebacks ever seen in a GF.
(2)1972 Geelong West v Caulfield 2nd Division GF. A classic
(3)Any home game involving Northcote in the days of channel 0 including the first game in colour against Sunshine in 1975.
(4)Either any of the marks by Dallas Patterson when with Williamstown or the hanger took by pint sized Prahran player Rod Appleton. This was televised by channel 0.
(5)Any one of the 2nd Division games televised on a Saturday afternoon when they had live crosses to Phil Gibbs from the country Victorian races in places like Bacchus Marsh, Woodend, Heathcote and Rochester which are old racetracks that have long gone. These were all TAB meetings.