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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 30/01/2004 - 00:00
[quote="StationHotel"]Port Melbourne Vs Werribee at Chirnside Park should make an interesting day, i hope alot of fans come along seeing there is no AFL games to conflict with ours unless your taking about the poor excuse for a State or origin. Port Melbourne will "CHIRN" up that muddy muck heap (mind the pun) HAHA and should have a good win. Watch out for the Borough boys this year as we have a good chance to play in a premiership side Players like Cotchett, Pitt, Pinwell, Nahas, Spriggs and big bad busltling Bonnadio should bring home the bacon for the Borough !! :D C'ARN THE BURRA!!!!![/quote] Port would be pretty happy to play in the mud. The Port ground is currently a disgrace, and is porbably only barely up to standard. The centre is nothing but mud, and the practice wicket area is shifting and under water. Ordinary!!
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15