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Joined: 13/03/2004 - 00:00
Gold Coast in the VFL 2010- a joke ?
Gold Coast in th TAC Cup in 2009 Gold Coast in the VFL in 2010 Is that for real ? If they do compete in the VFL I hope they get absolutely flogged. I hope they cop it from all grounds- Sandy, Port, Frankston, Willy. This is supposed to be the VFL and not an AFL Circus (which unfortunately it looks like being). It is called the Victorian Football League (It should never have changed from the VFA name). Why put in a stupid Gold Coast team in for a year ? Speaking of the Gold Cast there is a clash in a few weeks. A game between Kangas and Brisbane I think against NRL Gold Coast Titians home game going head to head. No doubt the Titans will prevail in a RUGBY TOWN. Onslaught- start a poll if you can Will the inclusion of a Gold Coast team in 2010 season (they are only in for one season) be good for the comp ? I wonder what the result of the poll will be. Gold Coast in the VFL- yuk Maybe a TV game for ABC The big blockbuster Geelong v Gold Coast at Kardinia Park with a massive crowd of less than triple figures including ground staff and officials. Gates will be locked so people can stay in the ground. Get serious VFL I mean AFL- promote VICTORIAN FOOTBALL in a VICTORIAN COmp. Keep the national rubbish for the AFL !!!!
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:17