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Last seen: 57 min 47 sec ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
North Port Oval / Fortburn Stadium

So despite a month's worth of raining in the days leading up to Saturday's game against Footscray, the ground held up reasonably well... 

A bit of mud in the centre square and a bit of surface water on the Norm Goss Grandstand wing I didn't think it was too bad overall. 


The channel 7 coverage mentioned the state of the ground and although it is less than ideal.

Hopefully the Councils contractors work throughout the week to have it ready for this Saturdays game against North Melbourne. 

I'd hate to see further matches be shifted away from the ground.  Perhaps the AFL could liaise with the council to assist.  Do the AFL actually have their own turf specialists? I've got a feeling Burraburger knows the answer to that one.