Just read this weeks Inside Football contains a little bit about this, but arguably more significant points have been posted on Bigfooty and aired on 3AW by the look of it.
I don't listen to 3AWful, did anyone hear what was said by the caller on the rumour file?
Now this will be the fourth player I can recall in about 12 months to want clearance from the Port Melbourne Football Club (Josh Gibson, Glen Robertson, Ben Phibbs and now Scott Howard). The three to date have been turned down at appeal. Howard will go to appeal next week according to Inside Footy.
Last year relative of one player called SEN to complain about the clearance process, and now there is another clearance fight that has to go through a media circus. I think that's disappointing. It'd be nice if people could keep issues in house and it'd be even better if football clubs realised that they're better off not fighting with players who don't want to be there.