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Last seen: 11 hours 17 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
Port Melbourne V Northern Bullants (Practice Match)
An amazing game, with Port thrashing the Bullants. Final Score.. Port Melb 27.6.168 Def Northern Bullants 5.9. 39 For Port supporters I will do a bit of a write-up later tonight... Not sure but I think Peter Dean did not come down from the coaches box to address Preston at 3/4 time. Can anyone confirm this ? Port had a very strong line-up with about 15 Kangaroos players and a total of 8 players on the bench warm conditioins. Scores. Q1 Port 7.1 43 Bullants 2.1.3 Q2 Port 13.2. Bullants 4.3.27 Q3 Port 19.2 Bullants 5.7.37 Q4 Port 27.6.168 Bullants 5.9.39
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16