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Last seen: 20 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
Round Six results (temp)
[size=18][b]Senior Results[/b][/size] Port Melbourne 3.3 9.10 16.12 19.15 (129) North Ballarat 2.4 3.6 9.7 12.10 (82) BEST: Port Melbourne: Perkins Baird Robbins Harding Pitt Smith North Ballarat: Greig Miller Goodes Ryall Foott Porter GOALS: Port Melbourne: Harding 4 Pitt 3 McKernan 3 Harvey 3 Schwarze 2 Perkins Perry Lawrence Le Cras North Ballarat: Foott 3 Whyman 2 Miller 2 Franchina Spolding Saunders Greig McNamara REPORTED PLAYERS: Port Melbourne: Nil North Ballarat: Nil Tasmania 5.1 8.5 15.8 19.9 (123) Sandringham 3.2 7.4 10.9 15.12 (102) BEST: Tasmania: Callinan Beams Savage Britton Atkin Grima Sandringham: Liddell Nicholson Biddlecombe Corrigan Warnock Van Schaik GOALS: Tasmania: Plapp 5 Beams 4 Callinan 4 Viney 2 Britton Brown Bester Hall Sandringham: Rigoni 2 Gallagher 2 Crowe 2 Warnock 2 Hunter 2 Carroll Johnson O'Keeffe Summers Liddell REPORTED PLAYERS: Tasmania: Nil Sandringham: Nil Coburg Tigers 2.1 2.5 6.8 9.11 (65) Northern Bullants 4.4 8.6 10.9 13.14 (92) BEST: Coburg Tigers: Foley Pattison Jackson Rayson Randello Young Northern Bullants: Bowyer McGrath Raso Davies Smith Vansittart GOALS: Coburg Tigers: Hilton 2 Schultz 2 Randello 2 Kuret Jackson Raines Northern Bullants: Morrell 2 Batson 2 Davies 2 Colbert Smith Bryan Raso Blackwell Young Becker REPORTED PLAYERS: Coburg Tigers: Nil Northern Bullants: Nil Bendigo Bombers 3.1 7.4 9.7 11.12 (78) Williamstown 5.5 7.9 8.13 11.17 (83) BEST: Bendigo Bombers: Robins Carter Doering Alvey Jolley Wilson Williamstown: Lloyd Swan Theodore Williams Lonie Dukes GOALS: Bendigo Bombers: Robins 3 Beasy 2 Alvey 2 Connaughton Monfries Cartledge Allan Williamstown: Rusling 3 Egan 2 Galea Hall Smoker Shaw Pearce Theodore REPORTED PLAYERS: Bendigo Bombers: D. Hille (Bendigo Bombers) reported for charging H. O'Brien in the first quarter in the centre of the ground. Williamstown: Nil Frankston 5.4 12.9 13.13 14.19 (103) Geelong 2.1 3.2 5.4 6.5 (41) GOALS: FRANKSTON McCormack 4, Marigliani 3, Pollard 2, Black, Molan, Black, ODell, Benbow, Berry. GEELONG Haynes 2, Lonergan, Blake, Garth, Batchelor. REPORTED PLAYERS: Frankston: Nil Geelong: Nil Werribee 5.3 7.8 16.11 19.14 (128) Box Hill Hawks 2. 5.3 7.5 10.7 (67) BEST: Werribee: Hassan Robertson Darcy Henderson Griffen Birss Box Hill Hawks: Sewell Holland Beaumont Greene Brennan Jansen GOALS: Werribee: Darcy 5 Podsiadly 3 Murphy 2 McGuiness 2 Griffen 2 Bandy Birss Wight Hassan Allan Box Hill Hawks: Holland 3 Little 2 Roughead 2 Sewell Boyle Height REPORTED PLAYERS: Werribee: Nil Box Hill Hawks: Nil [size=18][b]Reserves Results[/b][/size] Port Melbourne 3.2 6.6 9.10 13.16 (94) North Ballarat 3.5 9.11 15.12 19.13 (127) BEST: Port Melbourne: Cheevers McMahon Hazell Bonaddio Ramsay Pinwill North Ballarat: Spolding Moloney Dinnell George Wright Bye GOALS: Port Melbourne: Bonaddio 4 Allan 2 McMahon Dwyer Carroll Cheevers Ramsay De Bruin Thomas North Ballarat: Head 5 Moloney 2 McMahon. J 2 George 2 Edwards Jamison Frith Dinnell Timms Doyle Bye Wright REPORTED PLAYERS: Port Melbourne: Nil North Ballarat: Nil Werribee 4.1 10.5 15.6 19.6 (120) Box Hill Hawks 4.5 7.7 10.9 13.12 (90) BEST: Werribee: Closter Gleeson Lamb Furfaro Morrow Bond Box Hill Hawks: Breese Paton Kirkby Murphy Bull Searl GOALS: Werribee: Closter 3 McCormack 3 Castello 3 Furfaro 2 Lamb 2 Rau 2 Wells 2 Veale Twomey Box Hill Hawks: Paton 4 Eagle 2 Hill 2 Murphy Kirkby Breese Cook Jolley REPORTED PLAYERS: Werribee: Nil Box Hill Hawks: Nil Coburg Tigers 1.6 2.10 6.13 10.16 (76) Sandringham 4.0 8.4 10.8 10.10 (70) BEST: Coburg Tigers: Robinson Cassinides Carlson Chambers Strachan Caruso Sandringham: Mentiplay Simpson Gibb Ott Kennedy Newton GOALS: Coburg Tigers: Chambers 2 Daniher 2 Briggs 2 Mullins 2 Lagozzino 2 Sandringham: Mentiplay 4 Martyn 3 Zantuck 2 Corcoran REPORTED PLAYERS: Coburg Tigers: Nil Sandringham: Nil Frankston 1.0 5.5 7.8 11.11 (77) Scorpions 7.2 10.3 13.7 16.8 (104) FRANKSTON Morris 3, Beasy 2, Greenstreet 2, Petracca 2, Mizzi, Burns. SCORPIONS Pfitzner 3, Taylor 3, Arezzolo 2, Rafferty 2, Merculiar 2, REPORTED PLAYERS: Frankston: Ricky Morris (Frankston) for striking Luke Wynne (Scorpions). Scorpions: Nil Bendigo Bombers 1.2 1.6 2.9 3.11 (29) Williamstown 6.6 13.10 18.17 24.24 (168) BEST: Bendigo Bombers: Richardson Pendlebury Curtain Marsh Robson Maddern Williamstown: Langlands Meyer Cook Picken McKenzie Hollow GOALS: Bendigo Bombers: Marsh Barnes Steel Williamstown: Cook 4 Coates 3 Maghamez 3 Macri 3 Davidson 2 Barling 2 Benson 2 Hollow Stretton Boyd Clifton Dow REPORTED PLAYERS: Bendigo Bombers: Nil Williamstown: Nil
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16