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Sandringham vs Coburg Tigers Round 1
SENIORS Sandringham 1-3-9 8-10-58 9-12-66 14-14-98 Coburg Tigers 2-3-15 5-6-36 7-9-51 7-12-54 GOALS: [b]SANDRINGHAM:[/b]Newman 5, Sautner 2, Gallagher 2, Heffernan 2, N.Smith, Biddlecombe, Rigoni [b]COBURG:[/b]Schulz 2, O'Connor, Jackson, Fletcher, Raines, Houlihan. The difference in game was a combined 12 goals to 5 with the breeze by Zebras. They were always in control of game from half time onwards. A crowd of about 2000 at the game. RESERVES Sandringham 1-3-9 4-10-34 8-15-63 11-24-90 Coburg Tigers 3-6-24 6-7-43 8-13-61 14-15-99 GOALS:[b]SANDRINGHAM:[/b]Ferraro 3, Fletcher 2, Mentiplay 2, Ritterman 2, Zantuck, Bristow [b]COBURG:[/b] Cosham 3, Faraj 2, Owen 2, Laurie 2, Rayson, Edwards, Randello, Young, Magee. It was a good, close game of Football until inaccurate kicking from the Zebras and some undisiplined play in a 5 minute period during the last quarter got the Coburg Tigers over the line.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16