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zebraman's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 21/02/2004 - 00:00
Springvale V Sandy
The Zebras ventured to the Shepley Oval today and after a tight first half kicked 9 in the 3rd quarter to put the result beyond doubt.. I have some ordinary memories of Shepley Oval from both Dandenong and Springvale so to win there was a bonus Was interesting to see Shayne Smith playing for Springvale reserves and the Zebra faithful took great pleasure in reminding him that he appears to have found his niche! The wind was blowing a gale favouring the southern end and inaccurate kicking was the order of the day in the 1st half by both teams.. The 3rd 1/4 was all Sandy...I went and listened to Graeme Wright at 3/4 time and it was one of the shortest addresses I have ever heard...all over in maybe 30-40 seconds...he was not a happy man.. Jason Caples provided us with the sucked in award for the day when he was dragged in the last 1/4...we gave him a heap of verbal and he responded by starting to argue with one guy....99 % of players ignore us so it was unusual to see him seeing red....excellent stuff Jason...maybe the time has come to hang up the boots.... Was very suprised to hear the scores coming through from the Willy-Port game...I fully expected Port to win and easily...still....gave Sandy a one game buffer at the top GO ZEBS
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16