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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
The VFL FAIL when it comes to success of the state game!
What a brilliant game - close and high scoring. And that is what the powers to be will pat themselves on the back for. But according to a post on Bigfooty, just 2360 people turned up to the game. That was a pathetic crowd. Also, very disappointing that the VFL season fixture and possibly a season so far report was not put in the VFL Record. That was a simple thing that was overlooked. 1.10pm starts DO NOT work! The reserves game was a great concept, but 10AM was TOO EARLY! And if the game was today you could have added a few thousand to the crowd. Saturday games in the VFL DO NOT work! It is time the VFL started running things to benefit themselves and do what the fans want. The fans say SUNDAY GAMES and if games are to be on a Saturday then they want them at 2PM! And if the ABC refuse to come to the party then so be it. The VFL survives because of people who go to the games, not because of the lazy TV watchers.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16