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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
VFL in the Northern Suburbs: battling?
Today was the second time I've been to Cramer St this year and the crowds to me seem pathetic. I know they have not been winning much this year, but it just seems a worrying sign. Has there been a backlash from traditional Bullants supporters at the Carlton alignment? Wouldn't mind hearing Bullants thoughts on the crowds. If they've played that clogged up style of footy all year its no wonder people don't go. The first half was played in sunshine today, but it seemed full of errors, stoppages and flooding. As many goals were scored after half time in driving rain as were scored in the first half. Then down the road at Coburg I don't reckon things are much better. The crowds seem to be way below what the Willy, Werribee, Box Hill, Frankston or Sandy games get. It's not worth building a grandstand if nobody's going to sit in it. And they have won games this year. If you believe what Dean Mighell says then the club hasn't got much cash either. Taking Springvale out of the equation (although I believe they made a profit in 02-03), the VFL's weakest area is the Northern suburbs. Springvale are moving to try and find a new supporter base, Coburg shot themselves in the foot when they didn't bash Essendon's door down to align and I reckon that mistake will cost them for years, and the Bullants - well they seem to have sold their soul to Carlton. What can be done to boost supporter bases/finances at Coburg and Northern Bullants?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:14