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Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/05/2007 - 00:00
New Port Member
Greetings Chaps. Brand new Port Melbourne member here. I`m a current Essendon member, and although i love the bombers i`m getting more and more disenchanted with the AFL, so at the start of this year i considered looking into being a VFL member as well. A couple of guys from the club where i played all my footy have played with Port so i though i`d have a look at the Borough, especially after i heard they were now a standalone club. I watched the practice game against the BH Hawks, decided to become a member, posted off the the application with my money order and got my membership card the next day !! After the crapfest the AFL is turning into it`s just great to watch some good hard tough footy again, let alone a decent pie and a beer out of a glass after the game. I mentioned this to one of the old stagers "decent beer and good footy here mate, how long has this been going on??" and he looks at me and says "about 130 years mate" I think i`m going to like the VFL
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15