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NorthPort's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 33 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
The integrity of the VFA / VFL competition.. AFL mini-draft?

I might get hounded down for this, but if people have useful comment to make I'd love to hear it..

Both the SANFL and WAFL have a draft system whereby AFL-listed players get distributed to the clubs after the conculsion of the AFL draft system.

It is different over there because they are both two-team AFL states, while we have 10 clubs here.

But how would you feel if a similar draft system was used in Victoria for the VFL? If players were evenly distributed around the VFL clubs, would the VFL clubs improve their independance?

It's unlikely that AFL clubs would go along with the concept, having their players training and playing alongside opposition players but putting that issue aside, do you think something like that could work?

Do you have another idea?

Edited by: NorthPort on 03/04/2009 - 12:19