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Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 22/06/2012 - 10:50
Is the VFA a dirty secret

Everyone I speak to says I am going to hit nothing but brick walls regarding the VFA history and any records - people either wont help or those that can are dead. Nobody can tell me where annual reports for the association are so I can only presume they are in someones garage and will die with them.

One historian suggested the VSFL may have even shut the VFA down out of spite.

Ken Gannon is dodging me like he is Doug Nicholls. Most club historians are past caring.... and shocked that someone from adelaide cares.

I followed West Torrens here in Adelaide and saw firsthand what a mess it caused when an organisation folds.

It seems the VFA, its records and what went on in the 90s is footballs dirty little secret - like a love affair everyone should be ashamed of.