Hey All,
Just wanted to know what other people's thoughts are in regards to the teams that are published in Friday Newspapers.
I fully understand that the AFL clubs name a greater squad if the teams are playing on Sunday. I can also see that their VFL 'buddy' names the same players in their teams as well.
However, my 'gribe' is in regards to VFL matches that occur on a Saturday after their affliated team has named their full team.
By this I mean there is no reason why Willy has named 7 I/C players and Port has named 7 I/C players as well.
If the game was played on a Sunday then fair enough - name an extended bench, but for a Saturday game, shouldn't the team list already have to be finalised?
I think it would create more interest if the standard 22 were named for tomorrow's match (for eg.) Then u could be closer to potential match ups, etc.
Thoughts anyone?