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Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 02/04/2008 - 00:00
A 2nd Televised game on sunday your thoughts ?
Hey Would like to know what people would think of a 2nd tv game on Sunday broadcasted on the ABC or cable tv or even you tube. How great would this be ? given that the old VFA was always on a Sunday i would love a tv game to be on the Sunday again. Would like some feed back about a web stream or even show a Sunday match on chan 31 how many people would tune in ? or even a Monday night replay My idea would be to take the commentary of the day from either 97.7 or 1611am and put it over the top of the vision i think it would make a good package. Why should the AFL get all the exposure when we have a fantastic competition that never gets spoken about and gets brushed underneath the carpet it's time for things to change....
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15