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Last seen: 11 hours 22 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
ABC TV Coverage 2014

Round 1 off to a terrific start IMO ABC.
I really enjoyed the VFL half-time show which is the kind of coverage that the competition sorely needs.

No need to just keep talking about AFL draftees, I want to see more behind the scene going-ons of VFL clubs. The press conference / season launch coverage was good to see as was the 150th celebrations and interview of Williamstown coach Andy Collins.

I have only seen the second half of the Williamstown v Box Hill coverage, but really enjoyed the call. Keep it up!

The ABC (and the VFL) lost a great quality commentator in Peter Donegan, but if they can keep the energy level and entertainment up throughout the season then they will have done well.

Edited by: NorthPort on 31/03/2014 - 01:23