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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2005 - 00:00
Anyone at Port Melbourne's 3 quarter time huddle last week?
I happened to be in the right position at the Port Melbourne huddle last week vs Williamstown at 3/4 quarter time and i was in close hearing (so was everyone else as well!) of Troy West's verbal assault to Billy Morrison in front of all,and what i mean ,all i mean the throng of supporters not the players,i wont go into what he said,it was along the lines of questioning his courage and having a chance to prove his club he last played for (Williamstown/Collingwood) that he was able to stand up at this level,he went on to say that they have proved right etc..etc...without the expletives and assult that went with it. My beef is -i know its football and hard truths can spur players on,so it wasnt the comments but where and when it was said. Behind closed doors one-on-one with home truths- yes In front of the team behind closed doors - yes At 3 quarter time at a venue where the crowd is not allowed on the field,obviously AFL standard - once again - yes. But not when every person in the ground is able to hear up close to that rubbish that Troy West dished out and riddiculed him with. Not just for the fan,but who knows who are at those huddles - opposition well. Im not saying ban the people to come out at the breaks - no way,my point is that these assistant coaches and coaches for that matter must restrain from comments like that in the public - it just doesnt look good from a assistant coach who has been in the game a long time,just because he has been a coach for 3 minutes doesnt excuse him. Troy West needed to make those comments and he is well in his right to say it to a player if its needed,but he should have said that behind closed doors,there was no need in front of a throng of supporters that didnt need to hear what is none of their buisness.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15