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Last seen: 2 days 15 hours ago
Joined: 13/03/2004 - 00:00

I think the VFA teams have improved overall this year from last season. Werribee and Williamstown will go close to winning the flag especially Werribee. Frankston have been very competitive and are on the right path. I don't mind the idea of games being streamed. If I want to go to a game I go. If there is a game on interstate or one you can't go pretty easy to either check scores through VFL flashscore or watch live stream. This week I intend to watch Williamstown v Footscray on the Saturday in a tribute game for the late Barry Round. On Sunday I'll go watch Coburg play North and hoping for a massive upset where Coburg wins.   

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Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 26/08/2019 - 16:45

Vfa, I get where Bearsman is coming from on the streaming. It doesn't make a heap of difference to me, I still love going to watch the Dolphs either way.....but for the fringe dweller types, and we have plenty of them in's probably easier for them to sit at home and be warm watching the live stream. I know I've thought about nicking down to Casey a few times when we're not playing but have decided against it only because I know I can watch it online. The plus side is that I get to watch at least some of every game now. Never would have thought that possible.

Last seen: 8 months 1 day ago
Joined: 22/11/2004 - 00:00

Really both Frankston and Werribbe SHOULD get good crowds even better that they get ATM due to their isolation and big local populations even Willy should be getting better crowds but the rest of the ex VFA clubs will always struggle to be relevant in their communities due to the massive changes in their demographics over the last 20 years and most of the new comers have little or no interest in Australian Football and no historical connection to their new suburb!

Last seen: 2 days 15 hours ago
Joined: 13/03/2004 - 00:00

I think due to the internet, mobile phones and today's modern society people seem a lot more lazy. As kids we always kicking the footy or play cricket over summer. Agree that both Frankston and werribee although crowds are good could do even better due to their locations. If I'm on a train on way to watch a bit game and there is a live game on I'll watch a live stream or check scores. The old days we were checking the scoreboard at the breaks a v b, c v d etc. These day you can't even get a footy record at a local footy game in Victoria. They don't print them. 

Last seen: 29 min 59 sec ago
Joined: 21/03/2004 - 00:00

From my point of view at Kinetic Stadium

on the food the club took back control of it this season so is still a work in progress the BBQ is back on Bryan Mace Stand side of the ground.

as far as footy records AFL decided to get rid of the footy records over COVID I am presuming it is over printing costs they believe VFL App and Website is sufficient. I doubt the older demopgraphic of supporter would agree with that. Some clubs do print out teams sheets I understand (I know Casey does).

Also the club is trying things like for this Friday night’s game in Geelong for those who can’t get there we will have the Pod Bar open at Kinetic Stadium and the game live streamed on the tvs there so supporters can come together and watch the game.

I can tell you organisations like Casey Radio and 3WBC certainly help in advertising the league with their coverage and of course 3WBC’s VFL Rewind show every. Monday night.

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Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 26/08/2019 - 16:45

Robbo, the new BBQ over on the Mace Grandstand side is a ripper. Great idea by whoever came up with that one. 

I print up my own team list/scoresheet each week now. It's easily customisable to any teams and takes about 20 minutes to update using Microsoft Publisher. If anybody wants a copy of it to use for your club, just let me know. I'm more than happy for anyone to take the template and customise it or expand it as you wish. Would love to see a footy record back at the VFA.....oops, VFL.


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Last seen: 29 min 59 sec ago
Joined: 21/03/2004 - 00:00

Here is some points I think that can make the vfl more fan friendly .Thoughts?

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Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 26/08/2019 - 16:45


1. Yes 21 teams is absurd. Send the NSW and Qld clubs back. It's not Victoria's problem that they think they don't get good enough competition for their reserves teams. Dissolving the NEAFL was stupidity as it has shut out good footballers from the ACT, NT and the other standalone teams from NSW and Qld. Rather than pulling the pin on the competition, the AFL should resurrect it and throw whatever funding is needed into it. Go one step further and just actually give the AFL its' own reserves competition back would be a great solution to a lot of problems too. This would finally give Victorians a decent state league to follow again and make for a much more balanced competition. Take Port, Willy, Frankston, Werribee, Coburg and Preston, invite Sandy and Box Hill (if they have enough of their club remaining to be standalone). Invite Fitzroy into it (can you imagine?), then add three to five more clubs.....strong metro clubs, and a couple of strong country leagues. No matter what, the heartland of footy is Victoria and the state deserves its' own strong competition like SA and WA have.

2. Yes, the fixturing has been absurd. It's generally only weeks away from the season starting and nobody has any idea of who's playing where and when. Unprofessional.

3. Footy records are a throwback to the past, but that's why many of us like the VFL in the first place. Bring it back, absolute no brainer.

4. AFL reserves comp gets rid of the need for any of us to worry about these complications.

5. As per 4

6. I'm ok with the under 22 rule if it applies to all clubs, good for the development of the game.

7. Preferably no byes. If they must be kept, everyone must have 2.
