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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
"Famous fans" on the VFL bandwagon?
This one came to me today when I was looking at a bit of the VFL on the TV. I was just wondering what peoples thoughts are when you see images of Barb smeared in Bullants face paint, or Joffa and his gold jacket at Williamstown. Is it patronising? What do true, long time supporters of these clubs think when they see VFL clubs encourage these 'fans' to get on board? Whether the likes of Barb and Joffa have a real interest in the VFL is debatable, and I'd also be interested to hear whether they actually pay anything for the club gear they seem appear in. Comes across to me as a clever tactic used by a few desperate presidents. I hope clubs don't forget the long time club supporters, the ones who have been there through thick and thin, and who will continue to be next year and for years to come. They're the ones I think clubs should be throwing their energy towards. Reasonable comment or is it not an issue?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15