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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
Ken Gannon on ABC at half time today
Interesting interview at half time today with Ken Gannon joining Phil Cleary and Peter Donegan. They had plenty of questions about the name of the VFL (or going back to the VFA), the alignments and the Grand Final. It was also good of Peter Donegan to ask about the TAC Cup Prelim Finals too which had been widely discussed on here (if he reads this, thanks for asking that). A shame Gannon actually didn't answer the question correctly though. He said there is no clash. The TAC Cup Preliminary Finals actually do clash with the VFL Grand Final, so if Gannon didn't know that then it reflects poorly on the communication in at FV. I'll happily say I prefer Ken Gannon to Paul "brand" Barnard who was on SEN pre-game. His text book marketing theories are all rather irritating. I've never heard so much talk about "the brand" in my life! The logo, the image, the corporate support blah blah blah! Anyway did anyone catch the half time interview, what did you think?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:14