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Last seen: 35 min 54 sec ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00
Port's two's
I've got to praise the Ressies, who I said in another thread would be unlikely to post a win this season. They faded in the second half due to North Ballarat playing good attacking footy, as well as some of the worst umpring I have seen this year, but showed that they are capable of playing some quality footy. I haven't had much of a chance to watch Port's two's this year, but thought Tom Paules game on Saturday was very good. How has he gone in other games this season? Not sure of height but seemed well under the six foot mark. Had good evasive skills, attacked the ball strongly and disposal was good too. Good to see Sam DeBruin back and playing.. But can someone give me an update on Andrew Gilham? Assumed he is injured again.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15