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Round 16 Frankston vs Box Hill Hawks
[u][b]Seniors[/b][/u] [b]DOLPHINS OUTLAST HAWKS TO KEEP FINALS HOPES ALIVE[/b] Frankston 4-5-29 7-9-51 11-14-80 15-17-107 Box Hill Hawks 3-3-21 8-7-55 10-8-68 13-10-88 Scorers: [b]Frankston:[/b] Edwards 5.4, Clarke 4.1, Berry 3.2, Marigliani 2.1, Burns 1.1, Fortnam 0.2, Conroy, Oliver, RUSHED 0.3 [b]Box Hill Hawks:[/b] Gibson 4.0, Little 3.1, King 3.0, Cook 1.4, Eva, B.Kane 1.0, Height, Jolley, Miller, Boyle 0.1, RUSHED 0.1 Best Players: [b]Frankston:[/b] Fortnam, Kennedy, Edwards, Clarke, Conroy, Odell [b]Box Hill Hawks:[/b] B. Kane, Dowler, Rudolph, Bailey, Gibson, Little In a game that didn't get up to any great heights the Dolphins kicked away against the breeze in the last quarter to win by 19pts. A footnote to this game is the disgraceful behaviour of Box Hill Hawks Coach Damien Christensen throughout the game the swearing just kept going on and on and on but in the final quarter when the dolphins pulled away I could hear BANG CRASH(more than once) coming from their box and when I went in there after the game I found a couple of holes in the wall. [u][b]Reserves[/b][/u] [b]DOLPHINS THRASH HAWKS TO CLAIM 2ND SPOT FOR FINALS[/b] Frankston 2-3-15 10-10-70 14-10-94 22-13-145 Box Hill Hawks 4-3-27 5-3-33 7-4-46 8-5-53 Scorers: [b]Frankston:[/b] Dickson 8.3, Dore 3.0, Beasy, Morris, Krakouer 2.1, Carpenter, A.Barry 1.1, Molan, Gill, Ferraro 1.0, Kemperman, Reddaway 0.1, RUSHED 0.3 [b]Box Hill Hawks:[/b] Kelleher 3.1, Marguccio 3.0, Carse 2.0, Coff 0.1, RUSHED 0.3 Best Players:[b] Frankston:[/b] Cadd, Krakouer, Carpenter, Manson, Pendlebury, Dickson [b]Box Hill Hawks:[/b] Marguccio, McEntee, Kelleher, N.Kane, Carse, Daniher
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16