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Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 22/06/2005 - 00:00
Teams for Finals
Thought i'd put the topic up and ask you alll to pick the 12/10 team for your respective clubs, come finals time: Thought i'd start of with the borough: Kangaroos: Perry Gibson Schwarze Baird McIntosh Sansbury McKernan Ch. Jones Perkins LeCras Urch Trotter Port Melbourne: Robbins Pitt Cotchett Obst Hazell McMahon Milhuisen Alexander Rudd Pinwill Unlucky: Thewlis, Smith, S.Harvey, S.McMahon, Bonaddio, Hooker, Cheevers *Lawrence Suspended What do you think Ons? Any suggestions/changes etc.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:14