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UpTheDolphins's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 52 min ago
Joined: 04/07/2023 - 14:52

You weren't far away from where we were sitting, boundary level near the scoreboard. Our plan was to head for the grandstand but couldn't get a parking spot on that side.

As rapt as I am with yesterday's win, I am keeping my expectations modest for this year. Yes we've started well, but the past couple years have seen good Frankston teams fail to turn up and get beaten in games we should have won. 2022 was particularly infuriating with upset losses to Coburg and Port. Last year we also had issues of simply not competing for an entire quarter which cost us winnable games. So after those years I'm perhaps a little wary. Just hope the boys remember to bring that energy to every single game. Yesterday we let Port back into the game at times through some individual errors so hopefully it's a learning experience. 

Was also happy to see a big crowd at Port yesterday after hearing stories of low attendance last year. Some healthy opposition support near the grandstand but the place was packed at that end and the canteen seemed to be doing good business.

NorthPort's picture
Last seen: 14 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 03/11/2003 - 00:00

I have waited until overnight to post my thoughts :)

Frankston - Wow.  Absolutely full credit to the club.  A very polished performance with quick movement, good skill level and backing your players to win in 50/50 contests.  Intensity and work rate were top notch.

I watched the game you played against the towners last week and thought you would really push us this week and I wasn't overly confident going into the game.


Port Melbourne.. Well positives are, that the club put on one of its best off-field performances, having the Easter Bunny, an Easter Egg hunt, Sausage sizzle for the Good Friday Appeal, a local school band playing and a good positive vibe.  The playing surface looked much improved too.  The PA speakers were nice and clear, and a far cry from the scratchy system we are used to hearing.  Also appreciated goal kickers and scores being announced, but can definitely do without the american style geeing up of the crowd.  That's un-needed and probably was the only detraction I can think of.

On field, we had no dominance in the midfield and centre clearances hurt us.  When you can't get consistent first use of the ball, then you are going to struggle.  When we did have the ball we were forced wide and shallow entries into the forward line were an ongoing problem.  I don't think its all doom and gloom, but I thought the Dolphins controlled the game nicely, also being able to slow the game down and control possession when necessary.

The weeks break for the SANFL v VFL game, should hopefully see a few injured players back into the side the following week.

Listening to the coach, I felt he was saying the right things, but perhaps the players are either not on board, or not switched on to execute the game plan.  

As with last year, my early confidence is a little shaken.  Hopefully a W will settle down the nerves.


Finally, the women's side again showed  that they are a very good side and capable of going back to back in 2024.  They are a well drilled and disciplined side and two games in have been deadly accurate in front of goals.  They draw a very healthy crowd and are generating a lot of excitement around the club.

Next weeks game against Williamstown down at DSV Stadium (Pt Gelibrand) is currently 1st v 3rd and should be a great game and the best test yet of where we are at.


Image Upload: 


* It's time to restore the VFA name.

UpTheDolphins's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 52 min ago
Joined: 04/07/2023 - 14:52

I do think Port will improve with time. They've had two very difficult matchups to start the season - Southport away and then a Frankston team that - while raw - is playing a very fast and clean style. It'll be interesting to see how our next clash goes when we host you guys down there. 

Off-field, the atmosphere at Port yesterday was top notch as always. Place looked packed on the grandstand side and there was a healthy crowd on our end too, loved the more retro-sounding club song as the players ran out as opposed to the identical Demons song. Having a ground announcer is something I hope Frankston will do in the future. Not having one is a missed opportunity for building atmosphere, advertising upcoming events, or even giving sponsors or local clubs a plug. Good to see the club organising events for Good Friday and getting the kids involved. Another thing I'd like to see Frankston do more of. 

aj9172's picture
Last seen: 1 week 2 days ago
Joined: 26/08/2019 - 16:45

NorthPort, your club definitely deserve credit for the match day experience. Thought the ground announcer was excellent, but agree with you that the cheerleading probably was a bit ill-thought. I reckon that motivated our blokes more than yours. Great to see Port involving the local school, and letting supporters know what is happening at the club. We need to take that on at all our clubs. No matter what our demographic is, if we can't connect to our locals then what are we doing it for?

On-field, I thought you were outdone for desire - pretty much as simple as that. Do you think the confidence was down a bit after the loss at Southport? You would hope not, most teams are gonna cop a hiding up there this season. In patches your ball movement was impressive, but Anastasio can't always be the catalyst for your momentum like he was yesterday.

Bearsman's picture
Last seen: 16 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 01/08/2014 - 20:20

What did you guys think of our new white 'away jumper?' I thought it looked great. I never really like the insipid grey used in previous years - the red is ok, but definitely white for me. Seemed to make the Frankston boys look bigger to me..

UpTheDolphins's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 52 min ago
Joined: 04/07/2023 - 14:52

Generally not a fan of all white clash jumpers. I think they often look quite bland. But the white one does have a much cleaner look than that grey one we've been wearing for the past few years.

Still, if it were me I would have picked red with white and black strips on the side.

Last seen: 4 hours 26 min ago
Joined: 12/10/2012 - 23:04

My 2 cents worth, didn't mind the ground announcer trying to get the crowd going but don't tell us to cheer when 6 goals down, a definite loss and we score a goal. People are deflated and are not going to give a cheer when they know they are definitely losing by a margin. 

17 PREMIERSHIPS, 19 X Runners up


