What did you make of it?
It wasn't nearly long enough to address some of the major issues of the comp.
..Plus my question re: building up the brand again and bringing back the VFA name didn't make it to air.
I think they need to forgo the state summaries that they have during the long break one week, so that they can have a proper discussion.
Regarding some of Phil Cleary's comments, I agree about really working hard with the commmunities. I would love to see Port Melbourne Football Club represented at junior levels. A few years ago I went to watch Peel Thunder in the WAFL, and kids from their junior comps, and even the U18s would hang around for the main game and really build that club culture from the ground up.
Better facilities at the grounds should also help bring along previously non-footy background people to the clubs for community activities etc.
I would love to see Port Melbourne sponsor South Pacific Gym, running as a normal operation throughout the week. Ingles Street certainly has the capacity for the parking requirements. There is so much that clubs could do, but need the infrastructure in place to kick it all off.