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Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 13/03/2004 - 00:00
Queenstown is a very unique town. I have seen the footy ground in Queenstown. I wonder how the knees and ankles stand up. Amazing view of the town where you cn see the town several km away while driving on the spiral roads. I think Alistair Lynch's dad runs the pub there. I have wtched a few games in tassie. I have watched footy at Launceston (Aurora Stadium) for a Willy v Tassie game as well as Hawhtoirn v Richmond. Also been to see Williamstown v Tassie in Devonport. Local game include ulverstone v Launceston at Ulverstone, North Hobart v New Norfolk at North Hobart plus East Devonport v Ulverstone at East Devonport. Watching a game at Queenstown would be bizarre. Thylacine have you watched footy at Queenstown before ?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16