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Offtopic: SANFL Players association
Body:,22606,22123552-21546,00.html [quote]SANFL performers might soon be pushing for more money and better conditions with the first state league players' association just around the corner. South Adelaide's Ian Prendergast - a lawyer and former Carlton AFL Players' Association delegate - plans to register a breakthrough SANFL Players' Association as a corporate body within four weeks. Prendergast has organised key players from the nine SANFL clubs, who met last Friday for preliminary discussions on forming the association. He said he aimed to have the body up and running within four weeks to give players a collective strength in shaping the SANFL in the future. "There were a couple of players from each club who we identified as potentially being interested in an association and to gauge the reaction, which was fairly positive," Prendergast said. "There's no representative body for SANFL players. Rather than players having nowhere to go, we want to provide them with a formal voice . . . an official outlet to protect players' rights." An executive to run association business will be formed soon from two delegates from each club. Prendergast said the "big issues" had not yet been identified but The Advertiser understands the association would focus on player welfare and conditions rather than getting involved in deciding match payments. At least, initially. "We will be looking to work in conjunction with the league to protect the players' conditions of employment," Prendergast said. Injury insurance, transfer and clearance problems and minimum conditions of "employment" are expected to form most of the platform for the proposed players' collective. Clubs negotiate players' match payments independently of the league but the total outlay must stay within the $340,000 (plus $20,000 for two "veteran players") salary cap. The cap will rise to $360,000 (plus veterans) by 2009. SANFL football operations manager Glen Rosser said yesterday he had no knowledge of an SANFL Players' Association being proposed. "Therefore. I can't comment," he said.[/quote] Will we something like this here in Victoria?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16